Fire Department Notice

The fire department has told us to notify all our unit owners and tenants that using or storing propane tanks on balconies is illegal and you can be fined if the inspector sees propane tank on your balcony.

Also they want us to tell you to make sure that your smoke detectors are operational. They suggest that you install new batteries in them at the same time that you that you change your clocks for daylight saving time.

They also inspected the buildings and we were given a warning that nothing (wagons, bicycles, etc) can be stored in halls or near stairwells. This is also covered in Condo Docs. If you have anything in the hall please remove as the Association will not be responsible for any fine.

Thank you for your understanding & cooperation!











The Board urges ALL unit owners to become involved. This responsibility should be shared. We thank those faithful who have attended the Board meetings, participated and voted.

Going Away Reminder

If you are going to be away from your unit:

  • Turn OFF the water (valve is inside A/C closet, behind water heater)
  • Turn OFF appliances (Except Air Conditioner and Refrigerator)
  • Leave the key with a neighbor